Tuesday, 19 March 2013

It's a Sin to Kill a Mockingbird.

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google
When we were told to read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee in preparation for an assignment, I thought it was going to be an incredibly boring read, and kept putting it off. However, I ended up really enjoying it, so much so that I bought the dvd and found that really enjoyable too.
I thought it quite sad that almost no one else enjoyed it, and even more people still haven't read it, because they're too 'cool' for reading *rolls eyes*.
If you haven't read it, I would strongly advise you to do so, as it's a good read and if you're still in lower education/school, you'll most probably study it at some point.
If you're anything like me and are a fan of quotes, then this is full of them (as you can probably tell from the pictures...) and it's one of those books that you can read over and over again. If you're thinking of watching the film, I would recommend reading the book first, as like with all films based on books, there are many parts missed in the movie which help you understand the overall story better. But the movie is a lovely addition to sum up the main parts of the book, and I would highly recommend both.

I know it may seem a bit of an odd blog post, but I felt like something slightly different today, the oddball I am.

Have you read it? What do you think of it?


Monday, 18 March 2013

Time For Some New Clothes.

There's probably nothing more depressing than realising that all of your clothes no longer fit - that's a year of eating, sleeping, no exercise and illness for you!

So after wallowing in self pity and accepting that I needed bigger clothes, I finally bit the bullet and went shopping. Don't get me wrong, I normally love clothes shopping, but it's not as much fun when you're not entirely comfortable with how you look :( 
To be honest, I was actually dreading going because I was certain that nothing was going to fit, let alone look any good. But I was pleasantly surprised with what I found (albeit slightly nautical!)

River Island  - Left £15    Right £16
River Island - Left £10   Right £16

Debenhams Pj's - Top £10   Bottoms £25

M&S - Top £10   Bottoms £5

I also went into lush for some moisturiser and I was given this lovely bag instead of the usual. I felt rather special considering the lady next to me got an ordinary one ;)


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Taaj Micellar Cleansing Water - Review

After seeing so many people rave about this, I thought I should jump in and see what all the fuss was about. Practically every blog I read had a review of this somewhere, and although I was intrigued, I didn't think I'd be as impressed as I was - I've always been fairly happy with my Simple make-up wipes, and they're cheap too!
Nevertheless, I was still super excited when the postman (woman actually) delivered it, only 2 days after I ordered it (with free postage I should add!). 

As a cleanser, it claims to have soothing and calming properties, which I would completely agree with. It has a very refreshing scent, and leaves the skin soft and revitalised. Unlike some other make-up removers, it doesn't dry out the face, and it isn't harsh on the eye area. It's such a lovely cleanser to use during the day if i'm at home and having a no make-up day, or in the morning it's refreshing and removes any other small traces of make-up left overnight.

When it comes to removing make-up, I wouldn't say I was completely amazed, in fact it probably did a similar job to my Simple wipes. I was slightly disappointed by this, as there have been so many marvellous reviews on how well it does remove make-up. However, as it has so many other great qualities, I am still extremely happy that I ended up buying it! 

I was going to buy it from Amazon, but whenever I tried, it was always sold out, so in the end I bought it from the JolieBox (now BirchBox I believe) website. From this website, it retails at £16.00 (I think Amazon was a little more) and can be bought here. This is slightly on the pricey side, for me anyway, and so I don't use this every time I remove my make-up, but I think it was *cue preppy American voice* totally worth it, and I'll definitely be re-purchasing when it runs out!


Saturday, 16 February 2013

When In Doubt, Redecorate.

The new wardrobe, surrounded by many rubbish bags...

As you know, I should be departing for America tomorrow, and I've been quite down about it.
But what better way to take my mind off of it than to channel my inner artist into decorating! My bedroom has been quite, umm, childish for a while, and looking around me now, I can see it is in desperate need of some new design.

So today, my mum and I went off to look at a few interior decorating shops to get some ideas - and boy were there a lot of things to take in. I've always loved art and design, but never actually made it to interior design/decorating, so this is completely new territory for me.

The only thing we ended up buying were about 9 mini paint pots (which I seem to think are quite cute) and some eyeshadows (I couldn't help myself when walking past boots...whoops!).

To add to my 'not going to America' sadness (I sound so depressing - sorry!), my camera still isn't fixed *angry face*. I absolutely love photography, and I really miss taking and editing my photos, so I've resorted to using either my laptop or phone (both of which produce rather bad quality photos). I still have no idea when it will be ready, but I do know that once I get it back, there will be many 'photo happy' blogs.


Friday, 15 February 2013

Birthday 2012.

Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...

Ok, I am well aware that the title says '2012', as this is actually just a little snapshot ('blast from the past' if you will) of my birthday last year. 
I've been feeling a bit down because all of my friends and practically everyone in my year will be setting off to New York on Sunday, and thanks to my ever so annoying illness *swears violently*, I am unable to go. I wasn't told that I couldn't go, it was completely my decision, but even so, I'll probably spend most of next week wishing I was having fun with everyone in America.

So I decided to have a scroll through some of my photos, and I came across some of my birthday last year. 
A little odd fact about me is that I'm not a massive lover of cake. I'd always have cake at other people's birthdays, and I do like little cupcakes, but I seem to have one slice and then completely hate it.
Knowing this, my mum had an idea for a slightly different and 'quirky' birthday surprise...

I wandered into the kitchen, where a big sign had been stuck to the wall. The table had been covered in pink netting and ribbons, and then filled with different pots and jars of sweets. This was in place of 'the birthday cake'.

I would say that this was definitely the best birthday (cake?) I have ever received. An actual cake was made (you can't have a birthday without making a wish and blowing out the candles right?), but I didn't take any pictures of it, I guess the sweets occupied most of my time!

As in 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang', it was Truly Scrumptious!


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

A Few Things About Me.

Ok, so I know I haven't done anything to my blog recently - the only reason being is that I've had so much work to do, and my camera had been sort of 'out of action'.
Basically, it was broken way before christmas and I was just too lazy to do anything about it. Unfortunately, this means that I can't take any photo's for my blog, and I thought it would be way too boring to post something without photos.
However, after thinking this through, I thought 'It can't be that bad, I could possibly include some slightly random photos to jazz it up a bit...'.

An oreo cupcake which became unbearably sickly after you had about half of it.

So here are a few things about me...

1) I love food (probably explains the massive cupcake above).

2) I'm absolutely obsessed with peppermint tea. I really don't know why - I used to hate it because it tasted plain and boring, but over the past year or so I've started to love it.

3) I love make-up. Ever since I was in year 8 (so about 12), I've loved everything to do with make-up, but I only started really wearing it when I was about 14. Even then, I'd only wear sheer things like lip-gloss, and possibly clear mascara, but nothing really obvious. I'd say I spend almost all of my money on make-up, and I'm so picky about having good brands (mac, benefit etc.) that my money seems to disappear rather quickly! I always have a massive list of things that I want to buy stuck to my bedroom wall, and it just keeps growing.

4) Any money that I've managed not to spend on make-up will most likely be spent on music. I honestly don't think I could live without it. I don't have a specific genre that I most like, and there's not much that I don't like (apart from thrash/screamo heavy metal - I'm sorry but I just can't listen to it, no offense!). I also play guitar (and sing, but only when no one's around), and it's just something that I really enjoy.

5) Youtube is my haven. I could honestly spend the whole day watching videos - it's like a black hole that just sucks you in. From make-up tutorials, to music videos and covers, to vloggers, I absolutely love it, although I'm afraid to say my school grades suffer sightly from this addiction...!

6) I will refuse to use any lip balm that's not Burt's Bees. For years, I used so many different lip balms, and I thought they were quite good, until I was introduced to Burt's Bees. It's the only staple thing in my 'beauty regime', and I can't ever see myself changing to another one.

7) I really enjoy photography. I never realised how much until I upgraded my camera a few years ago. Since then, I've been taking and editing photos of almost any event I've been to (slightly obsessed? I don't think so...).

Slightly random photo of some onions in a rather lovely delicatessens in Cardiff. 
